Science Reviews - Biology

Instructions for Authors and Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts submitted to Science Reviews must not have been previously published. Likewise, they cannot be under consideration for publication in another journal.

  1. Science Reviews publishes two types of articles.

    Reviews. Review articles present recent progress in the author's area of expertise. They should provide a concise and unbiased overview of recent developments and publications.

    Research articles. Scientific articles present original theoretical and/or experimental results obtained by the authors. These results must be scientifically sound and contribute a significant amount of new information.

  2. Manuscripts submitted to Science Reviews must not exceed 12,000 words. This requirement is in place to maintain a manageable size for the printed journal, “Science Reviews – Biology,” which is sent to authors free of charge by regular mail.

  3. The submitted manuscript must be concise, comprehensive, and written in English. For experimental articles, it is mandatory to disclose all details of the experiment to facilitate reproducibility of the results.

  4. Initially, all manuscript files must be submitted in .pdf, .docx or .doc formats. If your text, illustrations, data, etc., are in separate files, please combine them into one .zip archive when submitting your manuscript. You do not need to format your article for our journal, as our technical staff will take care of it.

  5. While the formatting of manuscripts is flexible, all articles should include the following sections: Author Information, Affiliation, Contact Information, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Main Body of the article, Conclusions, List of References and Conflict of Interest statement. The Discussion section is optional for review articles but mandatory for research articles.

    Manuscripts may also optionally include ORCID identifiers, Figures and Tables, Funding Information, details of Authors’ Contributions, Acknowledgments, Appendices and Ethics Statements.

  6. All references in the manuscript should be listed in the bibliography at the end of the article. References must be sorted in the order they appear in the text. While DOI numbers are optional, they are highly encouraged.

  7. Equations, if included, must be editable and created using Microsoft Equation Editor. Equations presented as images are not allowed.

Manuscript submission

1. Specify the Author for correspondence and the Title of article

2. Enter the Abstract text (no more than 2000 characters).

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3. Upload your manuscript file.* Your file must be no larger than 25 MB. We accept .pdf, .docx, .doc and .zip formats.

4. Provide email address of the contact person *

5. Please check the box below to indicate that:
       a. Your manuscript has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication in another journal.
       b. All authors agree to submit the manuscript for publication in "Science Reviews."
       c. All authors agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

6. To ensure that we are dealing with humans (and not spamming bots), please enter the following numbers in the box below (without spaces).

7. Click the "Submit Manuscript" button to submit your manuscript.


Editorial and Peer-Review Process

All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial review by the managing editor to assess their adherence to the journal's ethical policy and preparation standards. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements are rejected before undergoing peer review.

Once the manuscript successfully passes the initial review, it is sent for peer review to external reviewers. Our journal follows a double-blind peer-review process, ensuring that reviewers are unaware of the authors' identities. Reviewer comments remain confidential and are only shared with the reviewer's explicit consent.

Reviewers also assign a score that reflects the article's quality. Following the publication of the subsequent journal issue, this score will be used to identify an exceptional article. The corresponding author of the selected article will receive a refund of the article processing charges (APC).

Editorial Decision and Revision

Upon completion of the review process, the author will be informed of the journal's decision. The following outcomes are possible:

  • Acceptance of the article without any changes.
  • Acceptance of the article with minor revisions.
  • Major revisions are required, and the manuscript needs to undergo re-review.
  • Rejection of the article.