Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23 Prasanta Chakraborty
Gene cluster regulators from plants to microbes: Key
role in vesicular targeting, transport of intermediate
compounds and secondary metabolite biosynthesis
Prasanta Chakraborty, PhD
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Received October 10, 2024. Revised October 25, 2024. Accepted November 05, 2024.
Abstract: Plants and microbes (e.g., bacteria, fungi) produces various types of secondary metabolites (SMs)
that may be used as nutraceuticals, defense molecules, drugs/antibiotics etc. Efficient biosynthesis of these
SMs depend upon the transport and accumulation of biosynthetic intermediates, enzymes and transporters in
a specific compartment of cells of the organism. Signals for biosynthesis of these important SMs often comes
from the related gene clusters and their regulators situated inside or outside (global) the cluster. In bacteria,
cluster situated regulators (CSRs), like SARPs (Streptomyces antibiotic regulatory proteins) and other
regulators regulates biosynthesis of many important drugs and antibiotics, in fungi, 40% CSRs and 60% global
regulators control the SM biosynthesis, whereas in plants mainly global regulators works. In this review, how
these regulators play their part in the transport and efficient biosynthesis of some important compounds in
plant and microbes will be discussed.
Keywords : Regulators; Gene cluster; Secondary metabolites; Biosynthesis; Plants; Microbes
Secondary metabolites from plant and mi-
crobes are considered indispensable for survival,
growth, and metabolism, and to perform many
other numerous functions. To counter the resistance
issue, drug discovery is essential. Hence secondary
metabolites are important natural sources which are
focused to find new drugs. Many valuable mole-
cules like defense molecules, anti-nutritional com-
pounds, drugs/antibiotics have already been ob-
tained from these metabolites, e.g., cyanogen glyco-
sides, steroidal alkaloids from crop plants, anti-can-
cer drugs vinblastine/vincristine, noscapine from
medicinal plants (1-5), penicillin, tetracycline and
many more from microbes (6-9). Efficient produc-
tion of any valuable molecules/drugs in plants and
microbes depends upon the localization of their sec-
ondary metabolite biosynthetic intermediates, bio-
synthetic enzymes and transporters in the specific
vesicles of the organism e.g., biosynthetic enzymes
for penicillin biosynthesis, isopenicillin N-acyl-
transferase along with their substrate was localized
in peroxisome of fungus Penicillium chrysogenum
(10,11), biosynthetic intermediates vindolines,
catharanthine along with their transporters for anti-
cancer drug vinblastine/vincristine was localized
in internal leaf cells and leaf surface of medicinal
plant, Catharanthus roseus (12-14), and MATE(multi-
drug and toxin extrusion) transporter, SbMATE2
was localized along with cyanogen glucosides in
vacuolar membrane of food plant sorghum (15).
Targeting and subcellular localization of the trans-
porters and the biosynthetic enzymes are tightly
regulated by the expressions and regulations of
their genes. Though the recent literature indicates
that the genes of the biosynthetic enzymes of sec-
ondary metabolites and many transporters in plant
and microbes are organized as gene cluster in the
genome, e.g., metabolic gene clusters for terpenoids
and alkaloids in plants (16-20), gene clusters for
penicillin, tetracyclines in microbes (21-24); there
are very scanty reports about their regulations.
Many global and cluster situated regulators (CSRs)
may be operative in the regulation/ expression of
Prasanta Chakraborty Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23
these genes responsible for secondary metabolite bi-
The regulators are family of activator-re-
pressor type of transcription factors which plays
important role in the regulation of plant and mi-
crobe’s secondary metabolism. In plants, R3-MYB
(MYOBLASTOSIS), bHLH (helix-loop-helix) and
Apetala2/ Ethylene Response Factor (AP2/ERF)
families known to regulate secondary metabolism,
e.g., regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis and
transport of MATE3 transporter in vacuolar mem-
brane in grapevine fruit by MYB-type transcription
factors (25), and in microbes, specifically in Strepto-
myces, SARP (Streptomyces antibiotic regulatory
proteins) regulators contain HLH motif through
which they bind DNA during expression of biosyn-
thetic genes. SARPs are a large family of CSRs and
its homologues are encoded by many biosynthetic
gene clusters (BGCs) including beta-lactam antibi-
otic BGCs and works in the expression of genes
within the same cluster (26-28). However, the global
regulators (GRs) work from a distant site and in ad-
dition to biosynthetic gene clusters; they can also in-
duce or repress gene activity of those not belonging
to secondary metabolism (29-31). A considerable
number of global regulators have been character-
ized in Streptomyces till 2022 (28,31). These regula-
tors may regulate directly or indirectly in the local-
ization and expression of many transporters and
other necessary enzymes in the specific vesicles. In
fungus, the global regulator VeA regulates the pen-
icillin biosynthesis in P.chrysogenum (32,33);
whereas an LaeA-, BrlA-dependent cellular net-
work governs tissue-specific secondary metabolism
in the human pathogen Aspergilus fumigatus (34,35).
Understanding the regulatory mechanism
will eventually help to learn how these pathways
contribute to the efficient production of valuable
compounds in plant and microbes specially in cases
of unexplored ones.
Organelle specific secondary metabolite bi-
osynthesis in plants and microbes
Biosynthetic intermediates along with biosyn-
thetic enzymes and transporter for any SM assem-
ble together in specific organelles of cells of plants
and microbes for efficient biosynthesis of valuable
molecules including drugs, antibiotics, nutraceuti-
cals and others. Though, the transport mechanism
in cases of many SM biosynthesis is still not very
clear, the major organelles in plant and microbes
and their role and involvement in the efficient bio-
synthesis of some important molecules will be dis-
cussed here.
Vacuoles are the major organelles, known as
the final storage point of and sites for biosynthesis
of secondary metabolites including many important
alkaloids in plant cells (36-40). In medicinal plant,
Catharanthus roseus, anti-cancer vinblastine and vin-
cristine are important dimeric terpenoid indole al-
kaloids, biosynthesized from the central intermedi-
ate strictosidine. The central intermediate is biosyn-
thesized in the vacuoles of leaf epidermal cells of
C.roseus from tryptamine and secologanin. Their
transport mechanism into the vacuole is not known,
but the formation of strictosidine is catalyzed by
strictosidine synthase localized in the vacuolar lu-
men (37). The biosynthetic pathway of vinblastine
and vincristine is shown in Fig.1.
Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23 Prasanta Chakraborty
Figure 1: Role of the vacuole in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolite, vinblastine in medicinal plant C.roseus.
(a) In C.roseus leaf epidermal cells, two intermediates of vinblastine pathway, tryptamine and secolaganin, are trans-
ported into the vacuole, and converted to strictosidine by an enzyme strictosidine synthase (STR), located in the
vacuolar lumen. Strictosidine is the central intermediate of vinblastine biosynthetic pathway.
(b) (b) Carqueijeiro et al. have also shown that in C.roseus mesophyll cells, vacuolar accumulation of vindoline,
catharanthine and anhydrovinblastine prior to final step of vinblastine biosynthesis (Carqueijeiro et al., 2013).
As shown in Fig.1, final step of biosynthesis of
vinblastine takes place from two biosynthetic inter-
mediates, the monomeric monoterpenoid indole al-
kaloids catharanthine and vindoline (38). Before the
vacuolar accumulation of the mesophyll cells of the
main leaf of C.roseus, the biosynthetic intermediates
travel through different cells during biosynthesis of
vinblastine and vincristine. A transporter known as
ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporter, CrTPT2
which localizes in plasma-membrane helps in the
efflux of catharanthine to the leaf surface. This phe-
nomenon helps in plant protection against herbi-
vores, the accumulation of catharanthine at leaf sur-
face inhibits the production of vinblastine, vincris-
tine as vindoline stays in internal leaf cells. Down
regulation of the expression of the transporter,
CrTPT2, inhibits the targeting of catharanthine at
the leaf surface and increases the availability of
catharanthine for the synthesis of dimeric alkaloids
in internal leaf cells. This indicates how organelle
specificity and transport engineering dictates the
production of valuable compounds at the high-level
Vacuoles in plant cells are also the site where
many important flavonoids are transported/ accu-
mulated. Flavonoids are accumulated in vacu-
oles/cell wall probably to attract different pollina-
tors through influencing their colors, and to protect
cells from different stresses (43,44). The coloration
of flowers and fruits specially different fruit berries
and their transition from growth to ripening, all
these depends upon the flavonoids, they, therefore,
should be properly transported and stored in dis-
tinct organelles, e.g., vacuoles, cell wall (43-45).
However, till now, the knowledge about the
transport and accumulation of the flavonoids is
very limited (46). Anthocyanins, one major class of
flavonoids, found in grapevine tissues and other
Prasanta Chakraborty Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23
plants, whose transport and accumulation in vacu-
oles have been well studied (47,48). Various trans-
porters, e.g., ABC transporters, MATE transporters
have been involved in the transport and accumula-
tion process of anthocyanins. Glycosidic form of an-
thocyanins and their further modified forms e.g. hy-
droxylated, methylated and esterified forms in-
creases their stability, colour variation of the pig-
ments, as well as they facilitate the binding of the
transporters. Anthocyanin glucosides when in mal-
onylated forms binds strongly with MATE trans-
porters, and thus transportation of the pigment into
vacuoles of leaf cells in Medicago truncatula (49) is
fecilitated, and consequently this helps in pigmen-
tation of leaves and in flower coloration. ABC trans-
porters are also involved in anthocyanin transport.
This transporter prefers the glutathione conjugated
anthocyanin and transport them into vacuoles
through the hydrolysis of ATP. This is based by the
finding that a mutant defective in GST (glutathione
S- transferase) unable to accumulate anthocyanin
into vacuoles of maize (50). These studies indicate
that specific localization of MATE and ABC- trans-
porters on the vacuolar membranes facilitates the
transport of this flavonoid in the very organelle.
How this transport is regulated by various regula-
tors/transcription factors that will be discussed in
the next section.
Peroxisome is a spherical intracellular orga-
nelle found in all eukaryotes from microbes to
plants and animals and are the sites for accumula-
tion and biosynthesis of many important molecules.
These organelles contain at least one H
ing oxidase and H
-decomposing catalase and
thus protect cells via generation of toxic metabolites.
The organelles are also the sites for acetyl CoA gen-
eration through β-oxidation of fatty acids. The val-
uable and important β-lactam antibiotic penicillin
in it’s final step is synthesized in this compartment
of fungus, P.chrysogenum (51). The enzymes isopen-
icillin N-acyltransferase (IAT) and phenylacetyl-
CoA ligase (PCL) responsible for conversion and li-
gation of isopenicillin N (IPN) to penicillin G are lo-
calized in this compartment (Fig.2).
Figure 2: Beta-lactam antibiotic penicillin synthesis in peroxisome of the fungus P. Chrysogenum
In it's final step of biosynthesis, the enzymes isopenicillin N-acyltransferase (IAT) and phenylacetyl-CoA ligase (PCL)
are involved in conversion and ligation of isopenicillin N (IPN) to penicillin G are localized in peroxisomes. IPN (the
beta-lactam nucleus) is formed into the cytosol and then transported to peroxisome.
Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23 Prasanta Chakraborty
IPN (the β-lactam nucleus) is formed into the cyto-
sol and then transported to peroxisome. The en-
zyme IAT helps in the exchange of α-amino adipyl
side chain of IPN with CoA-activated phenylacetic
acid and the enzyme PCL acts in the activation of
side chain precursor during formation of penicillin
G (52). These enzymes also help in the formation of
other forms of penicillin through the exchange of
other carboxylic acid substrates. These results indi-
cate peroxisomes play important role for efficient
production of penicillin. High penicillin producing
strains expresses a greater number of peroxisomes
(53). Another important antibiotic, tetracycline, the
most used molecule in livestock and human world-
wide, is produced by the Streptomyces genus of Ac-
tinobacteria. Despite having importance of these
bacteria in the production of the antibiotic, the or-
ganelles of the bacterial cells for accumulation and
biosynthesis of this antibiotic is not yet known. In
fact, the cellular features of Streptomyces and their
industrial strains are very poorly understood. How-
ever, in some industrial strain of Streptomyces vina-
ceus L-6 which produces viomycin, a large number
of organelles with electron-dense dark contents
were found. Viomycin, a nonribosomal peptide an-
tibiotic having affinity for heavy metals strongly
visible as dark material under electron microscope
(54), and these types of organelles also been ob-
served in other Streptomyces strains, e.g., S.erythreus,
S.melanochromogenes (54,55). Finding these types of
organelles in bacterial cells will really help in iden-
tifying the sites of antibiotic accumulation and bio-
synthesis. The biosynthesis of tetracyclines in Strep-
tomyces aureofaciens was studied using its mutant
culture and substrate feeding experiments. Feeding
of pretetramid and 6-methylpretetramid in mutant
culture could restore the biosynthesis of tetracycline,
however, feeding of C4-dimethylamino-pretetra-
mid did not restore tetracycline biosynthesis indi-
cating pretetramid and 6-methylpretetramids are
key intermediates in the biosynthesis (56). Finally,
as we know, for it’s action as antibiotic in target cells,
tetracycline has to move to the cell cytoplasm,
where it binds to 30S ribosomal subunit and blocks
the protein synthesis of the target cell. For this, tet-
racycline penetrates the cell walls of organism e.g.,
gram-negative bacteria with the formation of posi-
tively charged magnesium-tetracycline complexes
and use the OmpF and OmpC porin channels to
cross the outer membrane (57,58). Then, they enter
the periplasmic space and tetracycline dissociates
and accumulates as uncharged tetracycline. This in
short covers the transport mechanism of the antibi-
otic tetracycline around the cell.
Aflatoxisomes are another important orga-
nelles responsible for aflatoxin biosynthesis and its
transport to the cell exterior. Aflatoxins are synthe-
sized by several fungal species in the genus Asper-
gillus. The biosynthetic pathway for this mycotoxin
has been studied very thoroughly and this pathway
has now become model system to study secondary
metabolism in eukaryotes (59,60). Using purified af-
latoxisome vesicles and analysing proteomic pro-
files of the vesicles, it has been shown that various
aflatoxin pathway enzymes are present in the orga-
nelles (61). In addition, in the past few years, the
genes involved and the entire aflatoxin gene cluster
of the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway have been
characterized (62,63).
In the following section, the regulatory role of
various regulators in the regulation of transport
process of the intermediates/biosynthetic enzymes
and subsequently biosynthesis of the SMs in differ-
ent organelles of the cells will be discussed.
Role of regulators (cluster situated and
global) in SM-specific gene cluster regulation,
vesicle targeting of biosynthetic enzymes, inter-
mediates and transporters
The drugs/antibiotics and other important
SMs discussed above are all derived from specific
gene clusters. How different regulators regulate
these clustered genes which directly or indirectly af-
fects in the localization of the biosynthetic enzymes,
intermediates, transporters of the secondary metab-
olites to the specific vesicles will be discussed here.
In plant specialized metabolism, biosynthetic
gene clusters for several secondary metabolites in-
cluding nutraceuticals, glycoalkaloids, drugs, e.g.,
noscapine, vinblastine have been reported (18,19,
64-66). From the genomic research of medicinal
plant, C. roseus, the important anticancer drug vin-
blastine was discovered. of this plant Surprisingly,
gene cluster in the genome encoding vinblastine
pathway biosynthetic enzymes and the MATE
transporter genes were found to be coexpressed (67).
MATE was also found to be coexpressed as
SbMATE2 in gene clusters encoding cyanogenic
Prasanta Chakraborty Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23
glucoside biosynthetic enzymes in the Sorghum bi-
color genome (68). MATEs, a class of transporters in-
volved in transport of natural product biosynthetic
intermediates whose coexpression is quite common
in bacterial and fungal biosynthetic gene clusters
(69-71). The coexpression of these transporter genes
in plant biosynthetic gene clusters might also have
significance in transport of specific biosynthetic en-
zymes and intermediates in specific organelles for
specific secondary metabolite biosynthesis. In
C.roseus genomes, partial clustering of genes of bi-
osynthetic enzymes TDC/STR of vinblastine bio-
synthetic pathway occurs. TDC is a Tryptophan de-
carboxylase that generates tryptamine from trypto-
phan, and STR is strictosidine synthase responsible
in the generation of strictosidine, the central inter-
mediate in vinblastine biosynthetic pathway (37).
There are now plenty of evidences that vin-
blastine pathway gene clusters/genes are strictly
regulated by various regulators/transcription fac-
tors. ORCA2 and ORCA3 are two transcription fac-
tors of large family AP2/ERF transcription factors
characterized as critical regulators in vinblastine bi-
osynthesis (72-74 ). In C.roseus, ORCA2 to ORCA6
forms a cluster (75,76) that regulates the biosynthe-
sis of important terpenoid indole alkaloids (TIA).
Though, ORCAs are key regulators in TIA biosyn-
thetic pathways, there are some TFs, e.g., BIS2,
ZCT2 and WRKY2 act as negative regulators in the
pathway. The ORCA regulators are highly ex-
pressed in flowers, roots and stems and induced by
different inducers. These regulators bind specifi-
cally to the elicitor-responsive element in STR pro-
moter region and interferes in changes of the ex-
pressions of STR and modulates in the expression of
other biosynthetic genes of vinblastine pathway
(Fig. 3).
Figure 3: Critical regulators of vinblastine biosynthetic pathway.
The regulators ORCA of AP2/ERF transcription factor family form cluster and regulate biosynthesis of terpenoid in-
dole alkaloids in medicinal plant C. roseus. In the vinblastine biosynthetic pathway genes, TDC/STR are partially
clustered in the genome where MATE1 transporter genes are also co-expressed. Co-expression may facilitate specific
localization of biosynthetic enzymes and intermediates to specific organelles. Now, ORCA regulators bind in the pro-
moter region and interfere in the expression of STR and modulate in the expression of other biosynthetic genes of the
vinblastine pathway. Upregulation of these regulators also helps in the transport and accumulation of many interme-
diates of the vinblastine pathway, e.g., catharanthine, tabersonine, to the specific organelle of biosynthesis.
The upregulation of ORCA2 in the cell also
plays an important role in the transport and the ac-
cumulation of various biosynthetic intermediates
e.g., catharanthine and tabersonine of vinblastine
pathway in the specific organelles of the cell via the
regulation of vinblastine/vincristine metabolism
(77,78). ORCA2, ORCA3 and other signaling cas-
cades/mechanism induced biosynthesis of vinblas-
tine/vincristine and vacuolar localization of inter-
mediates in C.roseus cells requires lots of energy.
These might require the induction of MATEs which
Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23 Prasanta Chakraborty
could be used as secondary transporters (79). How-
ever, further studies will be required to support this
hypothesis. In addition, many other transporters
which play important role in plant and microbe sec-
ondary metabolism and whose expressions are reg-
ulated by various regulators are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Transporters in plant and microbes involved in the transport of biosynthetic enzymes, intermediates to a
specific organelle in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites.
vacuolar targeting of alkaloids
(Shitan et al.2015)
transport catechin and
(Marinova et al.2007)
vacuolar accumulation of nicotine
(Shoji et al. 2008)
transport of mono-
terpenes, indolealkaloids
Vinca alkaloids,
(Shitan,N. 2016,
Baral et al.2016)
Drug efflux
(Petkovic et al.2006)
Purine, nicotine uptake
(Kato et al. 2014)
Cephalosporin transport
(Ullan et al.2010)
transporter in antibiotic
(Juan 2020)
Table 1a. Co-expressed transporters with biosynthetic gene clusters of secondary metabolites
Biosynthetic gene clusters
TDC/STR, partial clustering vinblastine
biosynthetic pathway
Cyanogenic glucoside
Gene cluster
Sorghum bicolor
MFS/cefM, cefP
Cephalosporin gene cluster
Another important secondary metabolite, an-
thocyanin, is responsible for skin color of various
fruits/crops, whose regulatory system of biosyn-
thesis is controlled by MYB-type transcription fac-
tors (80-82). In purple color rice plants, OsC1, a gene
encoding R2R3-MYB transcriptional factor specifi-
cally binds to a pigmentation gene OsPa to activate
OsDFR encoding dihydroflavonol 4-reductase, and
other anthocyanin biosynthesis genes (83). All these
proteins are localized in the nucleus or cytoplasm
and plays important role in the regulatory mecha-
nism of anthocyanin biosynthesis in rice (84). In
pears, the expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic
genes and R2R3 MYB transcription factor, PcMYB10
found to be strongly correlated with anthocyanin
accumulation during developmental stages of fruits.
The expression patterns during clustering analysis
showed that most of the anthocyanin biosynthetic
genes and PcMYB10 genes are related to the same
cluster (85). In grapevine (V.vinifera) fruit, the dark
skin color of the fruit is due to the accumulation of
anthocyanins. Accumulation of anthocyanins and
their transport in cell organelles via MATE trans-
porters, is regulated by MYB-type transcription fac-
tors (86). In V.vinifera, MATE transporters are di-
rectly or indirectly transcriptionally regulated by
MYB-transcription factors. The MYB-transcription
factor, VvMYBA1, transcriptionally regulate the en-
zyme, V.vinifera vacuolar H
PPase 1;2, VvVHP1;2.
The overexpression of the enzyme led to the in-
creased expression of VvMATE3. In V.vinifera, an-
thoMATE1 and anthoMATE3 were found to be to-
noplast-localized MATE transporters that transport
acylated anthocyanins in the vacuole (80,87). These
results collectively show that regulators-biosyn-
Prasanta Chakraborty Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23
thetic genes/clusters-transporters network func-
tions altogether for transport, accumulation and bi-
osynthesis of secondary metabolites.
The regulation mechanism of important anti-
biotic tetracycline from Streptomyces recently got
importance due to having not only it’s enormous
potential against various bacteria but also for it’s
anticancerous activity (88). Therefore, tetracycline
molecules and their derivativesall are significantly
important from pharmaceutical point of view. Oxy-
tetracycline and chlorotetracycline are two such no-
table molecules in tetracycline family and both are
derived from their respective gene clusters. Now re-
garding regulation of these gene clusters, a gene
known as otcR (oxytetracycline regulator) encoding
a SARP protein, was discovered in Streptomyces ri-
mosus (89) which is located immediately adjacent to
otrB gene of oxy cluster (90). Later, the SARP-bind-
ing sequences of the promoter regions of oxyclus-
ters were characterized and it has been shown that
otcR directly activated the transcription of oxy pro-
moters (91). Interestingly, during working with
chlorotetracycline (CTC), Wang et al. (92) found
that the SARP regulator, encoded by ctcB from CTC
gene cluster was able to activate the transcription of
oxy cluster in heterologous host. It was proposed
that since chloro and oxy-tetracyclines are structur-
ally similar antibiotics, they might share the similar
regulatory mechanisms.
The regulation of biosynthesis of another im-
portant β-lactam antibiotic, penicillin in filamen-
tous fungi is controlled by global regulators (93,94).
The penicillin pathway biosynthetic enzymes en-
coded by genes, penDE, pcbC and pcbAB are clus-
tered in the genome of Penicillium chrysogenum. No
regulators of penicillin biosynthesis are found in
this gene clusters; however, global regulators, e.g.,
LaeA , PacC etc. have been identified (Fig.4).
Figure 4: Global regulators in the regulation of penicillin, cephalosporin gene clusters in P.chrysogenum, Acremonium and
Global regulators LaeA and PacC control the expression of penicillin genes pcbAB, pcbC, and penDE, whereas LaeA
and VeA control the cephalosporin genes pcbAB, pcbC, cefD1, and cefD2 expression. Genes pcbAB and pcbC encoding
the first two enzymes valine synthetase and isopenicillin N synthase of the cephalosporin pathway, are very similar to
those involved in penicillin biosynthesis. Two genes, cefT and cefM, of transporter MFS family, are involved in the
transport of intermediates and the secretion of cephalosporins are also co-expressed in the cluster. The regulator LaeA
regulates the synthesis through a SAM binding site, unique for methyltransferases. Thus it regulates the gene clusters
through chromatin modification and heterochromatin repression.
Global regulators LaeA and PacC control the
expression of penicillin genes pcbAB, pcbC, and
penDE, whereas LaeA and VeA control the cepha-
losporin genes pcbAB, pcbC, cefD1, and cefD2 ex-
pression. Genes pcbAB and pcbC encoding the first
Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23 Prasanta Chakraborty
two enzymes valine synthetase and isopenicillin N
synthase of the cephalosporin pathway, are very
similar to those involved in penicillin biosynthesis.
Two genes, cefT and cefM, of transporter MFS fam-
ily, are involved in the transport of intermediates
and the secretion of cephalosporins are also co-ex-
pressed in the cluster. The regulator LaeA regulates
the synthesis through a SAM binding site, unique
for methyltransferases. Thus it regulates the gene
clusters through chromatin modification and heter-
ochromatin repression.
PacC activates penicillin biosynthesis at alka-
line pH (93), while LaeA was found in light-de-
pendent fungal morphology and development to
secondary metabolism as in Aspergillus nidulans (94).
About 50% of BGCs in fungi was shown to be af-
fected by LaeA and reduced secondary metabolite
formation including penicillin was observed with
the loss of LaeA (95). Deletion of these regulators
blocks the expression of penicillin and other gene
clusters and conversely overexpression of this reg-
ulator induces penicillin and other gene transcrip-
tion and corresponding product formation (95, 96).
Penicillin biosynthesis also requires specific locali-
zation of biosynthetic enzymes and intermediates
to specific organelles and several transporters play
important roles in the process. In biosynthetic pro-
cess, phenylacetyl-CoA ligase and isopenicillin N
acyl transferase, the last two enzymes of penicillin
pathway along with the intermediates isopenicillin
N and phenylacetic acid were located in peroxi-
somes(97). Two MFS (major facilitator superfamily)
transporters PenM and PaaT were shown to be in-
volved in the import of intermediates into peroxi-
somes (98). Similar vesicle localization of the inter-
mediates was also seen in Acremonium chrysogenum
during cephalosporins (CPC), another class of β-lac-
tam antibiotic biosynthesis. Isopenicillin N is being
converted through a long pathway in A.chryso-
genum into penicillin N. In the conversion process,
Isopenicillin N is epimerized to penicillin N by the
action isopenicillin N-CoA ligase and the isopenicil-
lin N-CoA epimerase encoded by genes cefD1 and
cefD2 (99,100). These enzymes along with MFS
transporters were shown to be localized in peroxi-
somes. In the early cephalosporin gene cluster,
pcbC, pcbAB, cefD1, cefD2 genes along with two
genes encoding MFS transporters, cefM and cefP
were found to be present (Fig.4). Generally, these
MFS superfamily transporters are regulated by
Yap1 transcription factors, however, recently, Pe-
rez-Perez et al. (101) reports that Yap1 protein,
PcYap1 binds to the regulatory sequence TTAG-
TAA in the pcbAB gene promoter of P.chrysogenum.
This is also a first report showing a Yap1 protein in
addition to its other role regulating transcription of
a secondary metabolism gene. No doubt, these find-
ing indicates how the regulators of gene clusters
and transporters coordinately acts in the expression
of genes and localization of biosynthetic enzymes,
intermediates and transporters to the specific orga-
nelles. Consequently, these processes help in the ef-
ficient biosynthesis of antibiotics.
Do cluster situate regulators (CSR) and
global regulators (GR) act differently in the sec-
ondary metabolite biosynthetic pathway of plants
and microbes?
In the previous section it has been discussed
how various important secondary metabolites,
drugs/antibiotics derived from different gene clus-
ters are regulated by variety of CSRs and GRs. It
was also discussed how these regulators play im-
portant role in various transport process responsi-
ble for efficient biosynthesis of these important mol-
ecules. Now it will be discussed whether at all and
if yes, how these regulators work differently in
plant and microbes.
In bacteria, the cluster situated regulator is
more common; SARP (Streptomyces antibiotic regu-
latory protein) is one of the largest families of CSRs
present in BGCs of Streptomyces. This bacteria is
used to produce most of the today’s antibiotics in
use. The BGCs coding for many antibiotics from
Streptomyces contain SARP family regulators. As
discussed in the previous section that in oxytetracy-
cline cluster, a gene known as otcR (oxytetracycline
regulator) encoding a SARP protein was found im-
mediately adjacent to otrB gene of antibiotic cluster
in Streptomyces rimosus (89). Oxytetracycline regula-
tors thereby help in the activation of the transcrip-
tion of oxy promoters through the interaction of
SARP binding sequences and the promoter regions
of the clusters. The BGCs coding for another antibi-
otic actinorhodin in Streptomyces coelicolor (102) con-
tain SARP family regulators that activate the tran-
scription of biosynthetic genes within the cluster. In
addition, there are many other SARP family regula-
tors as CSRs found for many other antibiotics in
Streptomyces species (103-105), and most im-
portantly, beside SARPs there are other class of
CSRs found not only in Streptomyces but also in
Prasanta Chakraborty Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23
Gram-negative proteobacteria (106, 107). Nonethe-
less, in some cases, the cluster situated regulators
may be controlled by global regulatory systems.
In fungi, approximately 60% of secondary me-
tabolite gene cluster do not contain genes for regu-
latory proteins, but they are controlled by global
regulators. That means for 40% gene clusters there
are cluster situated regulators. As described in the
previous section, global regulators, PacC, LaeA reg-
ulates penicillin biosynthesis in Penicillium chryso-
genum (93,94). PacC activates penicillin biosynthesis
at alkaline pH, whereas LaeA controls secondary
metabolism in A.nidulans and other aspergilli in
light dependent manner. Lae A is a universal regu-
lator protein in several aspergilli and control the
synthesis of penicillin and other antibiotics e.g.,
lovastatin, sterigmatocystin (108,109). This regula-
tor as PcLaeA also regulates the secondary metabo-
lism of P.chrysogenm (110). LaeA protein has methyl
transferase activity and is thought to function at the
level of chromatin modification (111). It was also
proposed that LaeA regulates several gene clusters
through repression of heterochromatin as sug-
gested for sterigmatocystin gene cluster in Aspergil-
lus (109,112), and in regulation of several genes in
gilitoxin gene cluster of Trichoderma reesei (113). And
for cluster specific regulators in fungi, they often
make a direct connection with secondary metabolite
formation network. A typical feature of cluster spe-
cific regulators is that they are mostly involved in
the transcriptional activation as in AflR of the afla-
toxin cluster in A.flavus (114) and in ApdR of aspyr-
idone biosynthesis cluster in A.nidulans (115). For
detailed actions of regulatory proteins in fungal sec-
ondary metabolism, an article by Knox et al. (116)
may be consulted.
In plants, several cluster-specific transcription
factors (TF) are found, though the genes of these
transcription factors are not located within the met-
abolic gene clusters they control. These TFs re-
motely control the genes of metabolic gene clusters.
In some cases these TFs forms clusters, however
these clusters are not thoroughly identified and
characterized (117). In the previous section, TF clus-
ters of ORCA was discussed in the regulation of ter-
penoid indole alkaloid biosynthetic pathway (75,76).
These ORCA regulators were also shown in the ac-
cumulation and transport of many biosynthetic in-
termediates of the pathway. In the control of cucur-
bitacin gene cluster in cucumber, melon, and water-
melon (118), a novel basic helix-loop-helix, bHLH
TF cluster consisting of two genes were found.
These regulators strongly binds to the promoter re-
gion of the biosynthetic genes of cucurbitacin and
helps in the biosynthesis of bitter substances cucur-
bitacins C (CuC), B (CuB), and E (CuE) of the fruits.
Three clustered bHLH genes (BIS1, BIS2, and BIS3)
were also found in the regulation of iridoid biosyn-
thesis in terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthetic
pathway in Catharanthus roseus (119). Furthermore,
other transcription factors have been found in the
regulation of many clusters, e.g., GAME9 regulates
the expression of steroidal glycoalkaloid gene clus-
ters in potato and tomato (120) and basic leucine
zipper domain,bZIP TF OsTGAP1 in momilactone
gene cluster in rice and oat (121).
The above findings clearly indicate that clus-
ter situated regulators over global regulators plays
an important role in the production of huge number
of valuable compounds as in bacteria. It may hap-
pen that for CSRs, due to the closer proximity of the
regulators to the genes of the metabolic gene cluster,
bacteria are able to regulate production of specific
valuable compounds/ secondary metabolites at a
much faster pace compared to plants and fungi. To
date, almost all antibiotics globally used in the clin-
ics are derived from bacteria and the contribution of
plants and fungi in that respect still remains a few.
Concluding remarks:
Plants and microbes are tremendous source of
natural products that may give rise to many valua-
ble compounds including new target drug mole-
cules. In the era of drug-resistance, continuous ef-
forts are necessary for achieving new drugs and an-
tibiotics. In fact, the gene clusters of plant and mi-
crobes may help develop new molecules, help ex-
plore the pathways wherein drugs can be made fit.
Drugs can be developed particularly keeping in
mind the specific pathway and/or specific reaction
regulated by gene clusters.
The efficient biosynthesis of any valuable
molecule/secondary metabolite(SM) in the specific
vesicles of cells of plant or microbe depend upon
the transport of all the ingredients like biosynthetic
intermediates, enzymes, transporters into the spe-
cific vesicles. Though it is known that the genes of
the biosynthetic enzymes, transporters in many
cases are clustered within BGC of the genomes of
the organisms, there are scanty of reports regarding
Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23 Prasanta Chakraborty
the regulation/activation of the gene clusters. The
gene clusters and their regulators would definitely
play important role in the transport and efficient bi-
osynthesis of any valuable molecule/SM in specific
vesicles of the cells of the organism. Various regu-
lators like, cluster situated regulators and global
regulators would be the main players in the discov-
ery process. Cluster situated regulators are more
common in bacteria, like SARP-activated gene clus-
ters in Streptomyces, several thousands of antibiot-
ics and secondary metabolites have been identified
from these gene clusters. Still, researchers around
the globe are struggling to develop methods for the
activation of many silent or poorly expressed gene
clusters in various plants and microbes.
Elucidation of the regulatory mechanisms
and finding new regulators in the secondary metab-
olism specific gene clusters will provide deeper in-
sight into SM biosynthesis and ensure identification
of novel SMs.
Declaration of competing interest
The author does not have any conflict of interest.
The author gratefully acknowledges the over-
whelming support from American Center Library
and National Library, Kolkata.
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