Prasanta Chakraborty Science Reviews - Biology, 2024, 3(4), 7-23
Gram-negative proteobacteria (106, 107). Nonethe-
less, in some cases, the cluster situated regulators
may be controlled by global regulatory systems.
In fungi, approximately 60% of secondary me-
tabolite gene cluster do not contain genes for regu-
latory proteins, but they are controlled by global
regulators. That means for 40% gene clusters there
are cluster situated regulators. As described in the
previous section, global regulators, PacC, LaeA reg-
ulates penicillin biosynthesis in Penicillium chryso-
genum (93,94). PacC activates penicillin biosynthesis
at alkaline pH, whereas LaeA controls secondary
metabolism in A.nidulans and other aspergilli in
light dependent manner. Lae A is a universal regu-
lator protein in several aspergilli and control the
synthesis of penicillin and other antibiotics e.g.,
lovastatin, sterigmatocystin (108,109). This regula-
tor as PcLaeA also regulates the secondary metabo-
lism of P.chrysogenm (110). LaeA protein has methyl
transferase activity and is thought to function at the
level of chromatin modification (111). It was also
proposed that LaeA regulates several gene clusters
through repression of heterochromatin as sug-
gested for sterigmatocystin gene cluster in Aspergil-
lus (109,112), and in regulation of several genes in
gilitoxin gene cluster of Trichoderma reesei (113). And
for cluster specific regulators in fungi, they often
make a direct connection with secondary metabolite
formation network. A typical feature of cluster spe-
cific regulators is that they are mostly involved in
the transcriptional activation as in AflR of the afla-
toxin cluster in A.flavus (114) and in ApdR of aspyr-
idone biosynthesis cluster in A.nidulans (115). For
detailed actions of regulatory proteins in fungal sec-
ondary metabolism, an article by Knox et al. (116)
may be consulted.
In plants, several cluster-specific transcription
factors (TF) are found, though the genes of these
transcription factors are not located within the met-
abolic gene clusters they control. These TFs re-
motely control the genes of metabolic gene clusters.
In some cases these TFs forms clusters, however
these clusters are not thoroughly identified and
characterized (117). In the previous section, TF clus-
ters of ORCA was discussed in the regulation of ter-
penoid indole alkaloid biosynthetic pathway (75,76).
These ORCA regulators were also shown in the ac-
cumulation and transport of many biosynthetic in-
termediates of the pathway. In the control of cucur-
bitacin gene cluster in cucumber, melon, and water-
melon (118), a novel basic helix-loop-helix, bHLH
TF cluster consisting of two genes were found.
These regulators strongly binds to the promoter re-
gion of the biosynthetic genes of cucurbitacin and
helps in the biosynthesis of bitter substances cucur-
bitacins C (CuC), B (CuB), and E (CuE) of the fruits.
Three clustered bHLH genes (BIS1, BIS2, and BIS3)
were also found in the regulation of iridoid biosyn-
thesis in terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthetic
pathway in Catharanthus roseus (119). Furthermore,
other transcription factors have been found in the
regulation of many clusters, e.g., GAME9 regulates
the expression of steroidal glycoalkaloid gene clus-
ters in potato and tomato (120) and basic leucine
zipper domain,bZIP TF OsTGAP1 in momilactone
gene cluster in rice and oat (121).
The above findings clearly indicate that clus-
ter situated regulators over global regulators plays
an important role in the production of huge number
of valuable compounds as in bacteria. It may hap-
pen that for CSRs, due to the closer proximity of the
regulators to the genes of the metabolic gene cluster,
bacteria are able to regulate production of specific
valuable compounds/ secondary metabolites at a
much faster pace compared to plants and fungi. To
date, almost all antibiotics globally used in the clin-
ics are derived from bacteria and the contribution of
plants and fungi in that respect still remains a few.
Concluding remarks:
Plants and microbes are tremendous source of
natural products that may give rise to many valua-
ble compounds including new target drug mole-
cules. In the era of drug-resistance, continuous ef-
forts are necessary for achieving new drugs and an-
tibiotics. In fact, the gene clusters of plant and mi-
crobes may help develop new molecules, help ex-
plore the pathways wherein drugs can be made fit.
Drugs can be developed particularly keeping in
mind the specific pathway and/or specific reaction
regulated by gene clusters.
The efficient biosynthesis of any valuable
molecule/secondary metabolite(SM) in the specific
vesicles of cells of plant or microbe depend upon
the transport of all the ingredients like biosynthetic
intermediates, enzymes, transporters into the spe-
cific vesicles. Though it is known that the genes of
the biosynthetic enzymes, transporters in many
cases are clustered within BGC of the genomes of
the organisms, there are scanty of reports regarding